Black Toe

Posted by IcarusPassion | 12:53 AM | , , | 0 comments »

My toe got pretty black after banging it against the chair on my way to the computer. (Shut up!) Anyway, it made me think of one of the funny scenes in Lost in Translation, a movie I enjoy quite a bit.

I was telling Dawn about the scene a couple days ago, but for some reason I started thinking of it again tonight and did a quick look-up of the script online:

Charlotte: [after Bob tells her of his back pain] I'm in pain, I got my foot banged up. Wanna see it?
Bob: [to Chef, sarcastically] How do you say no?
[sees the foot]
Bob: Oh, my gosh! When did you do this?
Charlotte: I did it the other day, it hurts, y'know?
Bob: Didn't you feel any pain?
Charlotte: Yeah, it really hurt.
Bob: That toe is almost dead.
[Charlotte laughs]
Bob: I think I got to take you to a doctor, you can't just put that back in the shoe. Well, you either go to a doctor or you leave it here.
[regarding Chef]
Bob: He's smiling. You like that idea? See they love black toe in this country.
[Charlotte continues laughing]
Bob: [to Chef] You got a sharp knife?
Bob: [to Charlotte] Gotta be, you know, in this country--somebody's gotta prefer a black toe. Uh, "brack" toe. We should probably hang around until someone orders it.

Lost in Translation is one of those love it or hate it films. I for one think it's fantastic. I don't have the guts to ask our sushi chef if they'd like to have my black toe however. (What if he said yes?) And besides, it's getting better.