Eggs and Nuclear Waste

Posted by IcarusPassion | 5:43 PM | | 0 comments »

Well, I don't have an ulcer or tumor or any blockage. The doctor thinks I might have gastroparesis (also called a lazy stomch) because there was still food in my tummy when he did the endoscopy. After 9-10 hours of not eating, there shouldn't have been anything there.

But you know, I don't think I have gastroparesis. As I read about it online, symptoms such as feeling full right away are definitely, definitely not me. For example there is also usually some weight loss which, for better or worse, is not me.

Why then was there still some food/mucus in my stomach? I don't know.

Bu we're going to find out because he ordered a "gastric emptying study". Basically I'll be fed some food containing a "label", something like radioactive eggs with mayonnaise. You may have already had that at Denny's. If you'd also had some some sensitive film handy with which to document your stomach wrestling with said food, you could have done your own gastric emptying study!

(Egg picture borrowed from here and nuclear power plant picture borrowed from here. Great photography on both sites.)

So in a few weeks my stomach will perform a slow motion, gurgly, slightly radioactive race. Then we'll know for sure. I think it's something else, but who knows what.

All I do know is that I think I've had enough health problems for one lifetime, and as soon as I can trade this body in for a new one, I'm there.

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