If you Twitter in the woods...

Posted by IcarusPassion | 9:15 PM | , , | 1 comments »

If you Twitter in the woods and there is nobody there to read it, have you really written or said anything at all? Starting off a blog is a little depressing. I feel like someone on Lost writing in a journal.

On the work front, how long do you suppose it takes 7 tech and 2 account managers to remove three routes on a database server? The answer is approximately one hour. And that is even after typing detailed, numbered instructions. "Back up this, delete that, test this…" Offshoring has done nothing but increase my job security. It turns out that if you unleesh three nations worth of IT people, your ratio of good to bad is still the same as it ever was, if not worse. And good people will always be in demand.

I'm really enjoying photography though. It's fulfilling, though a little slow right now. I desperately need to shoot at least 6-12 portraits over the next month. It's funny how as a small business with nearly no budget you play a back and forth game with your cash. A little to get started and get that first customer, then a little more to improve equipment and marketing, a few more customers, then more improvements and advertising…

On a side note, "Planetary Funk Alert (Vocal)" from LTJ Bukem's September 200 Progression Sessions really rocks my socks. If I listen to it much more I'm going to make myself sick of it.


  1. IcarusPassion // July 13, 2008 at 10:03 AM  

    Mom advises that she IS reading the blog and Twitter. ^.^