Updated LHC Safety Report Published

Posted by IcarusPassion | 1:09 AM | | 0 comments »

MSNBC reports that the 2003 safety report that was updated in June has been published.

That's all well and good. I was most interested though in a comment a reader made on the site after the article:

Honestly, i don't think it matters.
If it works out and we discover the mother of all particles, yay for us.

If it doesn't and destroys the world, then we'll be dead and it wouldn't really matter, would it?

What a weary society we are sometimes. I think it's the straw that breaks the camel's back. That is, I don't want to die from nuclear war, or global warming, etc. But if we die while trying to probe the mysteries of the universe, well, maybe I feel the same way.

Phasers to full power Mr. Sulu!